Invest In London.

If you are a sophisticated investor with an appetite for property development opportunities in the UK, we offer exclusive access to stress tested deals. We put our own capital into each deal, and offer you the invitation to invest with us. We turn down 99% of deals, as we only invest in high profit and low risk deals. Deals are presented in a simple format with further information sent if it’s of interest to you. This is a limited subscription offering, and therefore limited to five investors at a time.

About us

Shanly Finance International was set up to service increasing demand from international investors wanting to access quality property developments in London and key locations beyond. With our parent companies’ track record stretching back to 1969 and robust systems in place to ensure every opportunity is carefully stress tested, we can offer attractive, considered investments for those wanting exposure to the UK property market.

Who we are

Shanly Finance International was born form the Shanly group of companies. Shanly Group was founded in 1969 and is successfully trading 54 years later. The business develops circa 250 homes a year and has a commercial portfolio of over 300 shops, offices and marinas. Shanly Group operates outside of London and has substantial capital reserves, £35m of which has been allocated for lending to boutique property developers via Shanly Finance. As part of the strategic growth plan, some of the most attractive opportunities are reserved for Shanly Finance International. Each opportunity is put through the same meticulous due diligence structure and then presented to a select few sophisticated investors.

Our Approach

Due to our deep rooted property development history and our practical approach to assessing opportunities we continue to grow relationships with property developers and unearth the very best development opportunities. We then work closely with the developers to work through all potential hurdles in order to present stress tested, transparent deals to our investors. We offer a ‘turn key’ process which includes structuring the development loan, managing the developer throughout, and running a full audit to conclude. This approach ensures a smooth journey throughout and maximises the exit for our investors.

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